The Eleventh Volume

Dont quote me on that. Quote Unquote. And you can Quote me on the Quote Unquote.


Warped tour eh. Seems as though they're skipping us for 2010. (WTF IS THIS SHIT.)
I don't like it. I'll see if I can drag my ass around to see it elsewhere.

Another note, Owl City, Lights and some other band I don't remember the obscure name of is coming around to the Vogue on the 2nd of april. AND I DONT KNOW IF I CAN GO. (/rage)
If my sister's dance studio ends up having a trip to disney, and im being dragged along, i'll actually be moar angered.

Hokay, so heerz laif....

Okay so I've got nothing.

Getting a new harddrive and Video card soon. Woop Upgrade from my 10 GB Hard Drive! (Superserious.)

Uhm, I've been playing World In Conflict, Gran Turismo 4 and Need For Speed Carbon while waiting for. nice to have some games being played while I wait... :D

Hmm what else... OH.

Happeh Lawladays.
Got 2 Gift cards for cineplex. 5$ each. yeah. :)
But I got to see some people I ain't seen in awhile. THATS THE GOOD PART.

If you want some obscure postings of my laif....

-- I hope you all liked those, I put alot of thought into each and every choice.

-- Yeah, haha, you're the win. (LOLHBDALMOSTKTHX)

-- Gratz on your phone. Don't text me. :D

-- As for you, I'm really confused about you. But I'm not gonna hold anything against you.

-- (Many People) We do need to hang out soon, let me know, If I'm up for it, why not.

--You angr4h meh. Well, not really, but You're sortova douche. Just saying.


-- 3 Years is such a short time, (We barely know each other anymore.) I promise I won't let any more of it slip away.

-- KTHX 4 putting up with me. lawlways.

"Take the best day of your life, And put it in your mouth."
Mark Dimzon :D

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