Warped tour eh. Seems as though they're skipping us for 2010. (WTF IS THIS SHIT.)
I don't like it. I'll see if I can drag my ass around to see it elsewhere.
Another note, Owl City, Lights and some other band I don't remember the obscure name of is coming around to the Vogue on the 2nd of april. AND I DONT KNOW IF I CAN GO. (/rage)
If my sister's dance studio ends up having a trip to disney, and im being dragged along, i'll actually be moar angered.
Hokay, so heerz laif....
Okay so I've got nothing.
Getting a new harddrive and Video card soon. Woop Upgrade from my 10 GB Hard Drive! (Superserious.)
Uhm, I've been playing World In Conflict, Gran Turismo 4 and Need For Speed Carbon while waiting for. nice to have some games being played while I wait... :D
Hmm what else... OH.
Happeh Lawladays.
Got 2 Gift cards for cineplex. 5$ each. yeah. :)
But I got to see some people I ain't seen in awhile. THATS THE GOOD PART.
If you want some obscure postings of my laif....
-- I hope you all liked those, I put alot of thought into each and every choice.
-- Yeah, haha, you're the win. (LOLHBDALMOSTKTHX)
-- Gratz on your phone. Don't text me. :D
-- As for you, I'm really confused about you. But I'm not gonna hold anything against you.
-- (Many People) We do need to hang out soon, let me know, If I'm up for it, why not.
--You angr4h meh. Well, not really, but You're sortova douche. Just saying.
-- 3 Years is such a short time, (We barely know each other anymore.) I promise I won't let any more of it slip away.
-- KTHX 4 putting up with me. lawlways.
Mark Dimzon :D